Monday, January 25, 2010

January 30-31, 2010 Classes

Venue: Athletic Bowl, swimming pool area and the vicinity areas
Subject: Map Reading ... lecture and practical
Time: 0730 a.m. for both days
Instructor: Ryan Castro

Things to bring:

Required weight per person... Five (5) Kilos

1. Issued Backpack;
2. Water containers;
3. Extra Clothings;
4. Swim wear;
5. Rain Gears (poncho and others);
6. Compass;
7. Water container and water;
8. Mess Kit or Food Container, spoon and fork;
9. Knife;
10. Toiletry such as tissue papers, sanitary pads, alcohol, sanitizers, lip balms. soap, shampoo, and others;
11. Trail Foods such as chocolate bars, skyflakes, candies, raisins, nuts, corn & others;
12. First Aid Kits with first aid materials such as gauze, bandages, medicines such as paracetamol, "diatabs", your own medicines;

Group Equipment:
1. compass

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